Our new course -> NVPF203 Project Finance Term Sheets

New Course -> NVPF203 Project Finance Term Sheets

by Helmi AJ – 18 Jul 2022

Wow, it has really been a long while! Covid took a toll on our time and focus. In the meantime, we had been busy putting together more courses for you. We have so far 25 1/2 hours of solid industry-relevant training programmes ready to equip you for today’s challenging environment in the capital markets.

This latest course has been a long time coming. I try to share as much as possible from my past experiences in project finance. The work we have done so far never was complete without a more indepth look at the documentation for project finance. We don’t go into the agreements, but the term sheet is something that we thought would benefit a lot of people. Knowing how to read project finance term sheets – what to look out for and what they mean – brings you a step closer to mastering this subject.

I have always been fascinated with projects and how they are financed. And I hope that you find the course enlightening and substantive. You can read more about it on this page

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